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Slide Technical Terms

Slide: A category of mass movement processes, associated sediments (slide deposit) or resultant landforms (e.g., rotational slide, translational slide, and snowslide) characterized by a failure of earth, snow, or rock under shear stress along one or several surfaces that are either visible or may reasonably be inferred. The moving mass may or may not be greatly deformed, and movement may be rotational (rotational slide) or planar (translational slide). A slide can result from lateral erosion, lateral pressure, weight of overlying material, accumulation of moisture, earthquakes, expansion owing to freeze-thaw of water in cracks, regional tilting, undermining, fire, and human agencies. Compare - fall, topple, lateral spread, flow, complex landslide. SW & DV (b) The track of bare rock or furrowed earth left by a slide. (c) The mass of material moved in or deposited by a slide. Compare - fall, flow, complex landslide, landslide. SW & GG

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