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Explain Slough

Slough  Explained!

Slough Technical Terms

Slough : A small marsh, especially a marshy area lying in a local, shallow, closed depression on a piece of dry land, as on the prairie of the Midwestern U.S.A. (b) A term used, especially in the Mississippi Valley, for a creek or sluggish body of water in a tidal flat, flood plain, or coastal marshland. Compare - bayou, oxbow. (c) A sluggish channel of water, such as a side channel of a river, in which water flows slowly through low, swampy ground, as along the Columbia River, or a section of an abandoned river channel which may contain stagnant water and occurs in a flood plain or delta. (d) (not preferred) An area of soft, miry, muddy or waterlogged ground, a place of deep mud. GG

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