Explain Glacial Lake
Glacial Lake Technical Terms
Glacial Lake: (a) A lake that derives much or all of its water from the melting of glacier ice, fed by meltwater, and lying outside the glacier margins (e.g. proglacial lake) or lying on a glacier (e.g. ice-walled lake, ice-floored lake) and due to differential melting. (b) A lake occupying a basin produced by glacial deposition, such as one held in by a morainal dam. (c) A lake occupying a basin produced in bedrock by glacial erosion (scouring, quarrying); e.g., cirque lake, fjord. (d) A lake occupying a basin produced by collapse of outwash material surrounding masses of stagnant ice. (e) [relict] An area formerly occupied by a glacial lake. GG